Hunter: Media Professionals Should Promote Alabama
Fred Hunter takes journalism’s directive to tell everything in the lede and turns it upside down. “I always bury the lede,” said Hunter,...
Making your Fiction or Non-fiction a Page-Turner
Writers produce emotional reactions in their readers by making them crave to know what is going to happen to the characters and people in...
How to Freelance for Community/Lifestyle Publications
Collaboration with freelance writers produces great content for community magazines, said Madoline Markham, editor of three...
Freelancers Can likely Deduct 20% of Business Income under new Tax Law
Beginning with the 2018 tax year, most freelance communication professionals will be able to deduct up to 20 percent of their net...
Christmas Party Was Fun for All
A wonderful time was had by all at Alabama Media Professionals' holiday party. We enjoyed an excellent meal, a game of Dirty Santa, and...
Tips for Effectively Collaborating with other Freelancers
When the dean of UAB’s School of Public Health approached freelance writer Jennifer Walker-Journey about turn-keying the school’s...