Three Steps to Effectively Engage Minority Communities
Minorities are not adequately represented in the U.S. media workforce or in media coverage, and journalists can take steps to rectify...
NFPW Conference Hosted in Birmingham
NFPW Communications Conference Hosted by AMP in Birmingham, Alabama In November 1833, stars fell on Alabama during a spectacular meteor...
Digital News Matters, But Print News Still Pays the Bill
Investing resources in digital platforms is important for print-media outlets. But executives of most large newspapers are still talking...
Ten Things a Corporate Communicator Wishes Every Freelancer Knew
Now is a wonderful time to be an independent communications professional, Adam Kelley, corporate communications manager for Children’s of...
Print Journalism Still Has a Role to Play, June Speaker Says
“Don’t believe it when you hear print is dead,” the speaker at June’s meeting told Alabama Media Professionals and guests. “It’s not so.”...
Emotional Health-Related Challenges While Communication in a Disaster or Crisis
Almost daily, a new public relations crisis pops up in the news. Think United Airlines, Pepsi and even Alabama state government. If...