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Javacia Harris-Bowser on how thinking like an influencer helped her succeed

Journalists are accustomed to telling the stories of influencers. The speaker at our meeting this month will talk about how building a personal brand and an online community has helped her thrive as a journalist and freelance writer.

Javacia Harris Bowser is an award-winning freelance journalist, blogger and essayist and the founder of See Jane Write, a membership organization and website for women who write and blog. A proud graduate of the journalism programs at the University of Alabama and the University of California at Berkeley, Bowser currently writes regularly for Good Grit magazine, The Birmingham Times,, Business Insider, AARP's Sisters and StyleBlueprint.

Bowser is also the curator of Reckon South's HONEY column, which features essays by women and queer-identifying folks from the South. She is a 2022 Alabama State Council on the Arts Fellowship recipient and is currently working on a collection of essays on how she has used writing to cope with cancer and everything else life has thrown her way.


We have meetings on the second Thursday in January, February, May, June, July, August, September, and November. During these meetings, we hear from renowned industry experts who provide helpful information and skills training. Monthly meetings also provide networking opportunities and encouragement from others in the communications field.


​AMP Members can attend monthly meetings for free. Non-members can attend for a fee of $5. In April, we have our annual Communications Contest Awards Banquet where our communications contest winners are announced, our Communicator of Achievement is recognized and new officers are installed.


​In October and March, we hold intensive professional-development workshops. In December we host a holiday party.

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